Monday, January 14, 2013

Draw down the Moon

This is just one of the many ways to draw down the moon on the blessed esbat. Use the way that is best for you and reword where you feel it is appropriate.....I have done this many times, not necessarily in this way and it is a wonderful experience.

Solitary Drawing Down the Moon

                                                                                         Thank you
The moon has special powers for women, her cycle corresponds to women's internal cycle. The moon was the original calendar and her cycles measured the passage of time.
This solitary ritual is performed at night, in an open meadow, far from human habitation, under a full or gibbous moon. The place should be somewhat secluded or private so that you will be free from both distractions or possible dangers. Therefore, if an outdoor ritual is not practical, this ritual may be conducted looking out a window through which you can clearly see the moon in her beauty.
There is an odd superstition that forbids one to gaze upon the moon through a pane of glass. Perhaps this prohibition was to prevent this sort of meditation from happening inadvertently, spontaneously, causing someone to become a vessel for lunar energy and perhaps "moonsik."
Sit comfortably, spine erect, gazing at the moon, with the moon's rays shining on you for about five to ten minutes.
Place your hands, with palms facing the moon. Index and thumbs are touching, forming a triangle [symbol of manifestation]. The triangle is sacred, because it is the symbol of the yoni, through which all things manifest. View the moon through the triangle formed by your hands.
Chant Luna as "Looo-naaa."
After a few minutes, your hands will tingle. This sensation indicates the inception of making contact with the moon's power.
Mentally bring the moon down into each of your body's centers. Moon-energy-light pours through your arms, neck, head, and simultaneously down through your chest, heart, to be base of your spine, legs, and feet.
When desired, move your hands from the outstretched position and fold over your heart. Concentrate on each body center for about a minute. Visualize each one glowing with the moon's light.
In this way, you fill yourself as a lunar vessel. Use the energy in a positive purpose.
At this point, you can meditate to contemplate the powers of the moon. Meditate upon the pure consciousness residing in the brilliant glow of light. The moonlight moves through you. It is you. You are moonlight.
If you have images you wish to explore from dreamwork, this would be an auspicious time, for the moon rules dreams.
You could also use the energies to balance your chakras or stabilize menstrual cycles. Lunar energy may be directed toward internal healing.
Upon completing meditation, it will be necessary to drain off the excess moon energy. This energy is not returned to the moon, but is poured into the earth.
Either sit directly upon the bare earth or have the soles of your feet pressed down upon the ground. Imagine your arms, hands, spine, and feet to be conduits and pour the excess energy into the soil.
Once the energy has fully drained off, you should rise, stretch, and depart from your meditation area.
Remember to speak words of thanks to the moon. It may be desireable to eat something.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

WISHING WELL SPELL ........................(taken from the Weejee's eclectic book of shadows)

Things you will need-
white floating candle
a bowl
a big pinch of chamomile flowers
Cedar oil

On the evening of the full moon, near a window that allows moonlight to shine in, fill the bowl with water. Drop in the coins while contemplating your desire and say this prayer

Mother Moon
Deities of the deep well of my being
Hear my prayer
and grant my desire

Sprinkle the chamomile flowers onto the water, as an offering to the deities of the water. Anoint the candle with the cedar oil, and light it. Let it float in the bowl of water til morning. You can throw away the remains of the candle, discard the water and chamomile outside, under a bush or tree, and pocket the change!!................So mote it be!!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Inspirational words.

I often think that the night is more alive 
and more richly colored than the day.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Bringing Truelee Back

Thinking about bringing this blog back to life, or should I say to life in general. I never did get it off the ground. Well on to the bigger and better!! Think its time to breathe some life into this creation. So keep an eye out cus I am on my way!!!!!!! and light