Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Calling all Parents!!!!

     Once upon a time there was a little girl,  had a mom and a dad and a dog, and now she is the mom who is married to the dad and her kids have a cat. Growing old may not be great but having kids is. Just remember back when it was your time and now it is there time. Everything you do and everything you say should revolve around your children and their progression towards happy healthy and ethical lives. It is not about you anymore, so get over yourself and get moving. Only you can motivate yourself, truly.

1 comment:

  1. That is so true. Unfortunately some people don't always see it that way. It took me awhile to realize this and now, being a grandfather, I hope my son will learn this a lot quicker than I. I had taught him everything I can as he was growing up and now the rest is for him to learn on his own.
